
Our essence is: HolacracyOne is a resolute pioneer, carving new paths with fierce grace.

Our blessing is to show people the impact they can have when their organization is alive, awake, and ready for anything.

Our mission is to bring about a new paradigm of work; take the abstract and make it concrete, take the ideal and make it real, take the visionary and make it practical for the masses.

Our message is: "Your organizational form is obsolete. Consciousness needs a bigger channel to do its work in the world than what modern organizations provide. It’s time to widen the channel; to allow Love to work through organizations in the same way it works through saints and sages. Organizations are the architects of the future of humanity; make them better."

Note: HolacracyOne uses the purpose discovery framework and four aspects of purpose from Tim Kelley's book "True Purpose".

  • Purpose Guide


    Guide the organization towards its higher purpose


    • Identifying and proposing updates to the purpose of the organization when appropriate
    • Monitoring the @General_Company_Circle's overall stewardship and steering of the organization towards deeper expressions of its purpose
    • Championing the Organization's purpose and key brands in broader networks, and making purpose-aligned connections when useful and appropriate