Purpose: To operationalize the work of being a Place for those called by the responsibility and transformative potential of these times.
  • 50th Anniversary


    To design and implement a celebratory 50th anniversary that engages our community


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
  • Community Event Coordinator




    • Implementing community event logistics in coordination with the @Community Engagement
    • Coordinating open-to-the community events taking place in Thomas Berry Hall, such as neighborhood potlucks, book launches, concerts, dinner salons.
  • Covid Health


    Create Covid-19 safe practices and protocols for staff, retreat participants, and visitors to the Whidbey Institute.


    • Gathering and compiling information on Covid-19 safe practices and protocols related to retreat groups and onsite staff.
    • Proposing materials and equipment necessary to comply with Covid-19 safe practices and protocols.
    • Developing guidelines for Covid-19 safe practices and protocols for staff and board.
    • Developing guidelines for Covid-19 safe practices and protocols for retreat groups.
    • Disseminating Covid-19 safe practices guidelines to all staff.
    • Creating printed information with @External Communications on Covid-19 safe practices guidelines relevant to onsite retreat participants, staff, volunteers, and the visiting general public.
    • Developing protocol in the case of a staff member or retreat participant coming down with Covid-19.
    • Acquiring an inventory of necessary equipment such as rapid antigen tests
  • Database Adminstrator




    • Building reports in the database
    • Syncing email addresses from database to email platform
    • Downloading program reports from registration platform to database
    • Entering program participants in database under program campaigns upon event close
    • Maintaining accurate information in database, and cleaning and updating as needed
    • Updating target audience lists
    • Entering new contact information in the database monthly (e.g., newsletter signups, new donors)
    • Keeping accurate relationship/program records in database
    • Generating and exporting mailing lists from database (email and physical)
    • Cleaning and sorting reports for use in mail merges
    • Maintaining current staff and board contact lists
    • Keeping targeted mailing lists up to date and synced between Salesforce and Mailchimp
    • Sensing needs and opportunities for database improvements and making those improvements with @Business Operations support
  • Gala Event


    To design and implement a celebratory Gala event that engages our donors


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
  • Mainland Courier


    Supporting pickup/dropoff needs for items & services not available on Whidbey Island


    • Procuring food & supplies (e.g., from Costco or PCC) and bringing to Whidbey Island
    • Dropping off unwanted items at mainland thrift store(s)
    • Bringing recyclables to mainland collection site (e.g., plastics & cardboard)
    • Helping with other miscellaneous tasks connected to moving goods & people between the island and mainland
    • Coordinating with Office Admin or other relevant roles about mainland needs
Purpose: Developing relationships with and creating opportunities for people and organizations to be inspired to contribute financial resources
  • Database Explorer


    Mine the database to help us understand who our donors have been and what are their patterns of giving


    • Creating database reports for donor fundraiser roles to support their relationship building
    • Creating database reports for @Giving Programs to support fundraising program design
    • Designing, generating and sharing reports of value, and responding to requests for reports
  • Donation Caretaker


    To care for each donation from receipt to thank you


    • Updating the donor database
    • Entering all fiscal and in-kind donations in the database
    • Generating thank-you letters for all fiscal and in-kind donations
    • Keeping records of all sent donor letters
    • Generating and exporting donation reports from database
    • Generating mail merge letters for donors, appeals, and announcements
    • Syncing and reconciling database donor report with Quickbooks report for accuracy
    • Downloading reports from online giving platform for database
    • Keeping targeted mailing lists up to date and synced between Salesforce and Mailchimp
    • Tracking and reporting appeal campaign gifts
    • Collecting funds from third-party giving sites such as CommitChange, Benevity, Paypal Giving, Fidelity Marketplace and sending reports to @Bookkeeper and @Donation Caretaker
    • Creating thank you letters for new donors twice a year
    • Creating thank you letters to monthly donors twice a year
    • Tracking and collecting funds from pledge donors with support from @Major Donor Fundraiser
  • Facilitator


    Circle governance and operational practices aligned with the Constitution.


    • Facilitating the Circle’s regular Tactical Meetings
    • Facilitating the Circle’s Governance Process
    • Triggering new elections for the Circle’s elected Roles after each election term expires
    • Auditing a Sub-Circle’s meetings and records on request and declaring a Process Breakdown if one is discovered
  • Giving Programs


    Designing Giving Opportunities


    • Designing fundraising events and developing work plans
    • Designing letter campaigns and developing work plans
    • Designing online campaigns and developing work plans
    • Designing estate planning giving communications and practices
    • Designing Fund for Preservation of Place endowment
    • Designing and maintaining In-kind giving practices
    • Deciding who writes personal notes on all thank you and appeal letters
    • Promoting monthly giving option
    • Designing donation requests with @External Communications for placement in monthly newsletters and on website
  • Written Appeal Coordination


    Coordinating written fundraising appeal logistics


    • Printing, stamping, addressing, and mailing in-house fundraising correspondence
    • Liaising with @Giving Programs and @Fundraising Writer to ensure timely mailing completion
    • Purchasing all materials for mailing based on @Fundraising Writer specifications
    • Designing complete mailers, including envelopes, stamps, labels, and enclosures, for in-house and outsourced mailings
Purpose: Evolving Whidbey Institute into an anti-racist organization
  • Equity Support


    To provide equity support for people in past, present and future relationship with the Whidbey Institute.


    • Working to bring equity issues to the larger organization with support from the Equity in Practice Circle
    • Partnering and advocating with and for people bringing equity issues to larger circle(s)
    • Documenting feedback and experiences related to equity at the Whidbey Institute
  • Facilitator


    Circle governance and operational practices aligned with the Constitution.


    • Facilitating the Circle’s regular Tactical Meetings
    • Facilitating the Circle’s Governance Process
    • Triggering new elections for the Circle’s elected Roles after each election term expires
    • Auditing a Sub-Circle’s meetings and records on request and declaring a Process Breakdown if one is discovered
Purpose: To create and nurture symbiotic relationship with community
  • Community Engagement


    Connect community members and families with our trails, labyrinth and common space activities


    • Curating and scheduling community events in coordination with @Calendar Architect
    • Communicating with other relevant roles to ensure marketing, registration building and monitoring, and financial close
    • Proposing, designing, and implementing community festivals and events on trails, labyrinth, and commons spaces
    • Cohosting non-contract events with community and program partners
Purpose: To design and implement a celebratory Gala event that engages our donors
  • Circle Lead


    To design and implement a celebratory Gala event that engages our donors


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
  • Gala Budget Coordinator




    • Coordinating expense budget for Gala with input from @Gala Fundraising Strategist

      Communicating budgetary concerns to Chef, @Gala Event Coordinator, @Gala Volunteer Coordinator, and other relevant role holders

      Collecting donations from donors

      Communicating final fundraising numbers to @Bank Relations