Purpose: A self-organized and freesponsible learning space empowering marginalized youth to unleash their potentials and create social enterprises
  • Jangu International secretary


    All official organisational documents are kept and availed to people concerned


    • Processing visas for volunteers
    • Keeping and processing legal documents of the organisation
    • Photocopying and filing personal identification documents of all Jangu international members
  • Registrar


    People Context structure visible and well synchronized


    • Registering Guilds and Special Interest Groups in alignment with SE Constitution,
    • Providing an overview of registered Guilds, SIG and their members on G Drive
  • Safeguarding Focal Person.


    A transparent and fair implementation of the community agreement.


    • Amending the community agreement.


    • Building the understanding and capability of the organisation required to implement this agreement. (direct knowledge and information transfer, and accessing appropriate external expertise.)
    • Acting as the reporting contact for any safeguarding concern and use lessons learned from specific incidents to improve agreement and practise.
    • Supporting the community to elect their most trusted and willing committee members .
    • Monitoring and evaluating recruitment processes of all Jangu international members.
    • Conducting induction session with new Jangu international members about the community agreement.
  • Social Agreement Steward


    A community with a clear values and identity


    • Social Agreement


    • Supporting the process of drafting and signing the Social Agreement of Jangu international
    • Creating awareness about changes in the Social Agreement
    • Creating visibility and awareness about the Social Agreement
Purpose: Jangu International designed and implemented to last for the next seven generations ahead
  • Safety Steward

    for Security guards


    Jangu is a safe and secure environment.


    • Smoke Detectors
    • CCTV System
    • Alarm system


    • Conducting Jangu international Workplace safety training/ drills to new members. (Emergency exits and assembly point, fire fighting, alarm signals, and other SOPs)
    • Coordinating the security guards for their presence in Jangu International
    • Defining the working relationship between the security guards and Jangu International
    • Identifying hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm
    • Monitoring the cameras and backing up captured videos, pictures for future reference
    • Maintaining and ensure the proper functioning of entire security systems (fire extinguisher, Alarm, and CCTV system)
    • Keeping spare keys of all public spaces and dormitories
Purpose: Individual and relational needs of Jangu International Members represented for a harmonious Jangu international community
  • Accountabilities:

    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
  • Community Safeguarding Focal person


    To protect and promote the well-being of community members by establishing a safeguarding framework that learns from incidents, builds capacity through training and expertise, provides a reporting mechanism for concerns, and fosters a culture of safety and support through community engagement and leadership."


    • Forming a community committee to interprete and hold the purpose of the safeguarding poicy.
    • Building the understanding and capability of the organisation required to implement the safeguarding community aggreement.
    • Acting as the reporting mechanism for any safeguarding concern.
    • Ensuring role allocation to most trusted people on the committee board.
  • Volunteer Coordinator

    for communications,ducuments and transportation


    giving volunteers a great experience at Jangu international.


    • Volunteer coordination


    • welcoming and explaining to volunteers about SINA and the structures
    • making volunteers comfortable at SINA
    • running them through glassfrog and letting volunteers identifies roles they would like to train in
    • Taking volunteers through volunteer agreements.
Purpose: Every emergee is fully aligned to a social problem and identified a potential sustainable solution in a team.
  • One and One Partner


    support emerges to get into personal developement


    • One and Ones in Emerging


    • supporting emerges with guidance in one & one talks
    • supporting emerges to track progress
  • Professional development Trainer

    for Training


    Training Emergees in Project Based Learning, Design Thinking and developing first project ideas together


    • Training Emergees to identify a need by digging deeper into challenges
    • Supporting Emergee to gain several skills (marketing, accounting, production)
    • Supporting Emergee to take over responsibilities
    • Bulding initiatives for the Emergee for self learning
    • Supporting Emergee to find a shared vision + milestones (personal & project developement)
    • Supporting Emergee to practice effective research
    • Building initiatives for the Emergee to use internet productive
    • Supporting Emergee in expanding comfort zone
    • Supporting Emergee in taking decisions by self drive
    • Supporting Emergee to address challenges (personal / SINA / outside)
    • Supporting Emergee to organize her/his week
    • Supporting Emergee to go through challenges in a team
    • Shifting focus of Emergee from challenges to possibilities
    • Holding financial literacy trainings
  • emerging mentoring co-dinator


    providing extra mentoring support for scholars


    • co-ordinating one on one mentoring meetings weekly
    • creating and updating mentoring structure in emerging
Purpose: Jangu International can show an accountable and transparent cash flow because of a professional handling of finances
  • Cross-Checking


    Weekly crosschecking of financial accountability


    • Checking the completeness of financial source documents and the accountability (bill, receipt, acknowledgment forms)
    • Talking to the respective role holders about a specific discrepancy between a Voucher and its Accountability
    • Asking for the remaining balance from an unused budget
    • Capturing and forwarding the image of the receipt weekly to the accountant.
  • Signatory

    for UGX account


    Representation of Jangu International at Stanbic Bank


    • Bank transfers
    • Bank payments


    • Informing Jangu e.V. Link if bank balance is low
    • Making bank transfers to service providers of Jangu International in regards to the approved budget
    • Depositing operational cash to the Points of sales machine (Payway)
    • Obtaining bank statements for Jangu International
Purpose: Financial Sustainability of Jangu international through tourism
  • Museum Ambassador


    Giving an inspiring and memorable Jangu experience


    • Giving fun, inspiring, and memorable experience' of Jangu and its enterprises
    • Receiving, forwarding and incorporating visitors feedback
    • Conceptualizing and updating the "Jangu Experience."
    • Equipping and updating the Community(members and non-members) about Jangu and its enterprises to give the best  experience possible
    • Spreading the stay possibility in SINA Village with the guests
Purpose: Empowering marginalized youth to unleash their potentials and create social enterprises.
  • Collaborations


    Powerful Collaborations to help Jangu International achieve its purpose


    • Assessing the value of collaboration requests and creating meaningful new collaborations
    • Liaising and engaging with established Collaborators
    • Assessing networking events (based on analysis of impact versus costs) and forwarding the information to respective role holders who could attend
    • Compiling and submitting quarterly activity reports to the local government
    • Engaging Local government officials including CDO ( Community District Development Officer) into Jangu international core activities
    • Providing information to @Community Outreach on potential strategic outreach activities to optimize impact.
  • Legal Protector


    Jangu Int legally sound and safe


    • Providing contract drafting and legal review/advisory services upon request from other roles
    • Monitoring the organization for potentially-harmful abstract or implicit agreements, or misalignment with external laws and regulations, and advising appropriate roles accordingly
    • Keeping record of legal documents
    • Renewing licenses (NGO, land titles)
    • Liaising with lawyers and government bodies
    • Signing legal documents
    • Being a point of consultation for scholar on legal questions
  • Monitoring and Evaluation


    Effective and well-communicated Monitoring and Evaluation of the Jangu International Model


    • Developing and overseeing monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems to track and assess the impact and success of Jangu International
    • Collecting, analysing, storing and using data to increase effectiveness and scalability of Jangu International
    • Preparing high-quality M&E and impact reports for internal and external audiences
    • Building M&E capacity through training and assisting Circle Leads  and Jangu International Enterprise members
    • Capturing impact metrics of graduated enterprises
    • Creating and administering OKRS for Jangu International Operations.
    • Creating a Jangu International annual work plan.
  • Zero Hunger


    A sustainable and economically independent community rooted in agriculture


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
Purpose: A sustainable and economically independent community rooted in agriculture
  • Agriculture


    Transitioning Jangu International agriculture into a Productive sector


    • Structuring the financial flow from all activities related to agriculture at Jangu International
    • Identifying potential partnerships and collaborations.
    • Keeping all tools and materials in a healthy state for use
    • Mobilizing resources to facilitate the circle's needs.
    • Generating income for Jangu International through agricultural activities.
    • Making investment decisions for agricultural initiatives.
    • Documenting all activities taking place in the agricultural sector.
    • Integrating Permaculture into Jangu International structures.
    • Providing Jangu International nutritionally  Supplements like vegetable for daily meals.
  • Agroforestry steward


    A sound agroforestry sector that integrates trees and shrubs into Jangu agricultural systems for economic viability, environmental sustainability, and social benefit, while serving as a research hub and demonstration center for modern agroforestry techniques in schools established in Jangu agricultural circle.


    • Agroforestry


    • Developing and implementing agroforestry management plans, including planting and maintenance schedules
    • Serving as a demonstration center for modern agroforestry techniques, showcasing best practices to schools and local communities.
    • Monitoring the growth and health of trees, crops, and associated biodiversity.
    • Providing training and support to farmers and communities on sustainable agroforestry practices.
    • Facilitating research initiatives related to agroforestry and engaging students in hands-on learning experiences.
  • Circle Lead


    A sustainable and economically independent community rooted in agriculture


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
  • Finance steward


    To monitor and manage the financial activities of Jangu Agricultural Circle by tracking cash
    inflows and outflows, ensuring accountability, and providing accurate financial reporting to
    support informed decision-making.


    • Monitoring and tracking cash inflows and outflows to ensure financial accountability and
    • Preparing and presenting accurate financial reports, including income statements, balance
      sheets, and cash flow statements.
    • Verifying and managing budgets, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and resource
    • Conducting regular financial audits to assess compliance with financial policies and
    • Providing financial analysis and recommendations to support strategic planning and
      resource management within Jangu Agricultural Circle.
  • Fundraising Personnel


    Funds and resources that ensure financial sustainability and effective
    operation of projects under Jangu Agricultural Circle raised and mobilized.


    • Developing and implementing fundraising strategies to secure financial support for agricultural projects.
    • Identifying and engaging potential donors, partners, and sponsors to contribute to the
      sustainability of the initiatives.
    • Organizing fundraising events and campaigns to generate awareness and resources
    • Preparing grant applications and proposals for funding opportunities
    • Managing donor relationships, ensuring transparent communication and regular reporting
      on the use of funds.
  • Monitoring and evaluation


    To monitor and evaluate the progress of Jangu Agricultural Circle’s goals, objectives, and
    projects, providing feedback and insights to enhance performance and ensure alignment with
    strategic outcomes.


    • Developing and implementing monitoring and evaluation frameworks to assess the
      effectiveness of agricultural projects.
    • Tracking progress against set goals and objectives, collecting relevant data and indicators.
    • Conducting regular evaluations to measure project impact and identify areas for
    • Providing timely feedback and recommendations to project teams to enhance performance
      and outcomes.
    • Preparing comprehensive reports on monitoring and evaluating findings for stakeholders,
      facilitating informed decision-making.
  • Partnership coordinator


    To identify, establish, and maintain strategic partnerships with organizations, entities, and
    stakeholders that align with Jangu Agricultural Circle’s mission, enhancing collaboration and
    resource sharing for mutual benefit.


    • Identifying and researching potential partners, organizations, and entities for collaboration.
    • Establishing and maintaining strong relationships with partners to support Jangu’s agricultural projects
    • Coordinating joint initiatives, projects, and programs with partners to maximize impact.
    • Ensuring regular communication and engagement with partners, providing updates and
      progress reports.
    • Facilitating resource sharing and knowledge exchange between Jangu and its partners to
      strengthen collaborative efforts.