Empowerment Stages
Tourism Circle
Jangu international Operations
A self-organized and freesponsible learning space empowering marginalized youth to unleash their potentials and create social enterprises
- Representing SINA Mpigi into the community of Practice
- Offering feedback on best practices from other SINA communities to SINA Mpigi
- Exchanging learnings with other other communities
- Designing and evolving methods and processes for fellows to earn a fair income ("Earnings Plan")
- Publishing general guidance regarding any tiers, categories, distinctions or other related classifying systems made within the Earnings Plan
- Exercising a duty of care to integrate the needs of the People, Organization and Enterprise Context when evolving the Earnings Plan
- Assisting other roles as required to better understand, explain and advise fellows with regard to earnings
- Defining and updating role levels in glassfrog
Jangu international Operations
Empowering marginalized youth to unleash their potentials and create social enterprises.Accountabilities:
- Supporting youth in personal growth
- Supporting youth in professional growth
- Starting social enterprises
- Providing best practices to the SINA Community of Practice
- Achieving financial self-sustainability of Jangu international
Partner Rep
Tensions relevant to process in the Integration Circle channeled out and resolved on behalf of Jangu international Partners.Accountabilities:
- Seeking to understand Tensions conveyed by Enterprise Partners
- Discerning Tensions appropriate to process within the Integration Circle
- Processing Tensions within the Integration Circle
Jangu International designed and implemented to last for the next seven generations ahead
- Concrete Mixer
- Construction Plans
- Creating designs for the painting of buildings
- Having registered and certified construction companies bid for building projects
- Evaluating the best company and awarding them the construction projects
- Coordinating renovation of buildings
- Recording tool and material flow of container
- Evaluating and keeping construction plans
- Recording borrowed tools and borrowers list eg (sand mixer etc) evaluating the need and providing construction tools when needed
- Coordinating the cleaning of the pacific and eco sand toilets
- Providing toiletries (liquid soap, ash, toilet paper,jik etc ) for both eco sun and pacific.
- Co-ordinating the feeding of cow dung into the toilet
- Coordinating the Checking and removing non-organic substances from the digester such as bottles, kaveera, pads, pampers, etc
- Coordinating the feeding of sawdust and ash in eco sand toilets
- Identifying breakdowns in the pacific and eco sun for maintenance
- coordinating the person who cleans the pacific and eco sun toilets
- Refilling hand washing water tanks.
- Toyota Dyna reg no UBA 219 C
- Maintaining the truck in proper mechanical conditions for use in Jangu International
- Availing the truck for Jangu International procurement activities
- Paying for the truck motor third party insurance
- Coordinating with @Water for water supply activities
- Driving the truck
Scholars empowered to work individually and in teams while growing personally and professionally
for RestructuringPurpose:
Formalized and incorporated Jangu Int (SINA Mpigi) social enterprises ready to join the SINA Global Acceleration programAccountabilities:
- Giving advice to scholars regarding the advantages and disadvantages of the different legal entities (Ltd by Shares, Ltd by Guarantee, CBO, NGO)
- Supporting scholars in the business / enterprise registration process
- Liaising with a credible and trustworthy lawyer for transparent registration processes
- Educating entrepreneurs about best practices for e.g. choosing of name, responsibilities of organizational secretary, filing annual returns, share allocation (Slicing Pie dynamic Equity for Ltd by Shares), directorship (for CBO, NGO and Ltd by Guarantee)
- Supporting in a transparent and adequate enterprise and business registration of projects graduated from Concentration stage
- Supporting in TIN registration, the opening of bank account and other legal enterprise requirements
- Supporting SINA replicators incorporation process
- Determinating and communischolars and project financial contributions to Jangu International within the linking stage
Professional Development steward.
Professional and World class business trainings across all stages.Accountabilities:
- Evolving business-training structures in Emerging, Concentration and Linking into latest business trends.
- Allocating and aligning trainers to specific sessions based on expertise and strength.
- Allocating mentors to specific projects.
- Documenting training of trainers feedback to track progress
- Outsourcing and coordinating external resources to support in scholars learning.
- Structuring and coordinating a professional and impactful mentorship program.
- Coordinating with external partners to organize joint learning programs for scholars like boot camps, conferences, seminars and workshops.
- organizing evaluation for scholars to go to liking stage
- conducting regular bootcamps for ideas to attain a problem-solution fit
- supporting emerging stage in the formation of associations
- planning for capacity building sessions and trainings
- Organizing regular pitching panels
Every emergee is fully aligned to a social problem and identified a potential sustainable solution in a team.
Apprenticeship Coordinator
Emerging scholars empowered to gain skills through role filling.Accountabilities:
- Creating evaluation criteria for scholars in the roles
- Referring scholars for coaching on setting and achieving goals
- Onboarding Emerging scholar into the apprenticeship program
- Drafting and updating the apprenticeship agreement
- Documenting and updating a list of roles available for the apprentices
- One and Ones in Emerging
- supporting emerges with guidance in one & one talks
- supporting emerges to track progress
Professional development Trainer
for Training and boot campPurpose:
Training Emergees in Project Based Learning, Design Thinking and developing first project ideas togetherAccountabilities:
- Training Emergees to identify a need by digging deeper into challenges
- Supporting Emergee to gain several skills (marketing, accounting, production)
- Supporting Emergee to take over responsibilities
- Bulding initiatives for the Emergee for self learning
- Supporting Emergee to find a shared vision + milestones (personal & project developement)
- Supporting Emergee to practice effective research
- Building initiatives for the Emergee to use internet productive
- Supporting Emergee in expanding comfort zone
- Supporting Emergee in taking decisions by self drive
- Supporting Emergee to address challenges (personal / SINA / outside)
- Supporting Emergee to organize her/his week
- Supporting Emergee to go through challenges in a team
- Shifting focus of Emergee from challenges to possibilities
- Holding financial literacy trainings
- co-ordinating one on one mentoring meetings weekly
- creating and updating mentoring structure in emerging
Jangu International can show an accountable and transparent cash flow because of a professional handling of finances
- Identifying and contracting external financial trainers
- Organizing periodic and needs based financial literacy training to increase professional accounting, bookkeeping and financial discipline
- Scheduling the financial training
- Informing external financial trainers about the organisation's needs
for collection of incomes from profit generation activitiesPurpose:
Incomes handled transparently and professionallyAccountabilities:
- Collecting incomes
- Depositing money to the income bank account
- Keeping the incomes online sheet updated (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lFJghgSFiy0LgtpNHX-LevSWsoDMwQglSGcLOXcbESQ)
Purchase Team
for procurement of divers itemsPurpose:
Items bought according to specifications by @FinanceAccountabilities:
- Purchasing items as specified by order forms
- Ensuring purchased goods and services conform with the quantity and price specified in the order form
- Handing over purchases to @Finance
- Carrying out emergency purchases
- Bank transfers
- Bank payments
- Informing Jangu e.V. Link if bank balance is low
- Making bank transfers to service providers of Jangu International in regards to the approved budget
- Depositing operational cash to the Points of sales machine (Payway)
- Obtaining bank statements for Jangu International
Financial Sustainability of Jangu international through tourism
- There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
Construction Steward
from SustainabilityPurpose:
Organizing, coordinating construction, and maintenance of buildingsAccountabilities:
- There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
Empowering marginalized youth to unleash their potentials and create social enterprises.
Circle Lead
Empowering marginalized youth to unleash their potentials and create social enterprises.Accountabilities:
- There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
- Assessing the value of collaboration requests and creating meaningful new collaborations
- Liaising and engaging with established Collaborators
- Assessing networking events (based on analysis of impact versus costs) and forwarding the information to respective role holders who could attend
- Compiling and submitting quarterly activity reports to the local government
- Engaging Local government officials including CDO ( Community District Development Officer) into Jangu international core activities
- Providing information to @Community Outreach on potential strategic outreach activities to optimize impact.
Raising funds to supplement incomes for Jangu International to be able to operate smoothlyAccountabilities:
- Raising funds to keep Jangu International alive
- Writing proposals for new Jangu International projects
- Writing donors reports
- Looking for opportunities and capturing opportunities
- Providing Income overview periodically of the financial year to Internal auditor
- Allocating emergency budget
- Updating the Jangu international monthly Budget sheet as prioritized
- Maintaining relationships with existing and old donors
- Providing contract drafting and legal review/advisory services upon request from other roles
- Monitoring the organization for potentially-harmful abstract or implicit agreements, or misalignment with external laws and regulations, and advising appropriate roles accordingly
- Keeping record of legal documents
- Renewing licenses (NGO, land titles)
- Liaising with lawyers and government bodies
- Signing legal documents
- Being a point of consultation for scholar on legal questions
- Capturing global terminology for Jangu International
- Supporting circles to conduct regular circle reviews
- Correcting spelling mistakes on Glassfrog
- Pointing out best practices of the Symbiotic Enterprise Organization Context to roles, based on observations regarding work getting done.
- Providing input and best practices on Article 2 of the SE Constitution to the People Context upon request
- Providing input and best practices on Article 1 of the SE Constitution to the Enterprise Context upon request
- Delivering Training sessions on content and best practices of the SE Constitution
- Incorporating the Symbiotic Enterprise structure into Jangu International
- SINA Village
- Museum
- Shop
- Creating and Nurturing a memorable customer experience
- Making and Retaining SINA Village as a place of enjoyment, relaxation, and inspiration for guests
- Offering innovative and social products to our guests through the shop
- Spreading awareness of Jangu International work through fun and inspiring tours at the compound
Virtual steward
Operations in Jangu international are fully supported by online tools and services including P.O.BAccountabilities:
- Administering defined online tools and services
- Providing training for efficient use of online tools and services
- Defining and evolving requisite guidelines for use of online tools and services in role to role collaboration
- Evaluating and defining online tools that are necessary for role to role collaboration
- Updating online tools according to change in governance and role change (e.g creating new folders when there are new, edited or deleted roles)
- Receiving and answering official Jangu International phone calls.
- Collecting mail from the Jangu International P.O. Box (35194 Kampala) and forwarding them to respective receivers within Jangu International
- Renewing the P.O. Box subscription annually (in Dec)