
HolacracyOne is clarity, sovereignty, love.

HolacracyOne’s blessing is to free people to lead themselves.

HolacracyOne’s mission is to create a world with no more victims, no more villains, and no need for saviors.

"Your organizational form is obsolete. Consciousness needs a bigger channel to do its work. It’s time to allow Love to work through organizations in the same way it works through saints and sages. Organizations are the architects of the future of humanity; make them better."

Note: HolacracyOne uses the purpose discovery framework and four aspects of purpose from Tim Kelley's book "True Purpose".

  • Financial Steward


    Steward the organization's financial reserves, with harmony and balance across all stakeholders


    • Distributions to our Members and Partners, including advances on distributions
    • The Organization's Target Base Draw


    • Determining the organization's Distributable Cash Flow for each relevant period
    • Setting the Organization's Target Base Draw
  • Investor Rep (for C Unit Holders)


    Investors are happy with their investment in the Company



    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
  • Legal Foundation


    Exquisite foundational legal docs for the company


    • Partnership Grant Agreements


    • Crafting and evolving the organization's foundational legal docs, including its operating agreement, partnership grant agreements, and unit subscription docs
  • Purpose Guide


    Guide the organization towards its higher purpose


    • Identifying and proposing updates to the purpose of the organization when appropriate
    • Monitoring the @General_Company_Circle's overall stewardship and steering of the organization towards deeper expressions of its purpose
    • Championing the Organization's purpose and key brands in broader networks, and making purpose-aligned connections when useful and appropriate

HolacracyOne is clarity, sovereignty, love. 

HolacracyOne’s blessing is to free people to lead themselves. 

HolacracyOne’s mission is to create a world with no more victims, no more villains, and no need for saviors. 

"Your organizational form is obsolete. Consciousness needs a bigger channel to do its work. It’s time to allow Love to work through organizations in the same way it works through saints and sages. Organizations are the architects of the future of humanity; make them better."

HolacracyOne uses the purpose discovery framework and four aspects of purpose from Tim Kelley's book "True Purpose".

  • Compensation Architect


    The right compensation system for the Organization and its Partners


    • H1 products/services offered to Partners as part of compensation system


    • Designing, implementing, and evolving the Organization’s overall systems & related processes for determining Partner compensation
    • Defining and publishing the organization's possible compensation tiers, along with general criteria to guide others in assessing placements within it
  • Compensation Guardian


    Fair relative compensation levels, aligned with @Compensation_Architect's guidance


    • Assessing proposals for compensation placements against other existing placements, and against the general guidance published by @Compensation Architect
    • Sharing perspectives on request about criteria that would be meaningful to them in considering compensation comparisons (e.g. comparable archetypes, location, company size, include benefits?, etc.)
    • Providing feedback to partners upon request after their compensation proposals have received a vote
  • Constitution Steward


    The Holacracy Constitution; legally-grounded, projection-free, & continually-evolving


    • Holacracy Constitution Content


    • Drafting successive versions of the Holacracy Constitution to concretize and formalize effective patterns and core best-practices that have emerged in the practice and application of Holacracy
    • Clarifying Holacracy-related concepts or language in the Holacracy Constitution upon request, and hosting general informative sessions for Partners upon updating the Constitution
    • Reviewing draft tools and materials upon request and offering feedback on their alignment with the rules, methods, and intent captured in the Constitution
    • Coordinating releases of Constitution roll-outs, including soliciting impact of intended timing from each major business line
  • Holacracy Spokesperson


    Crystalize & convey the Holacracy brand - reveal its why to the world


    • Heralding Holacracy to and within relevant broader contexts, including press channels, media organizations, purpose-aligned movements, partner organizations and associations, and potential key strategic clients
    • Creating easy to share resources that inspire people towards deeper engagement with Holacracy and self-management, including videos, blog posts, and books
  • Partnership Assessor


    Requisite partner/org relationships consummated, and requisite transitions enacted


    • Interviewing new Partner candidates and assessing whether to invite them into the partnership, upon request of any relevant Role
    • Assessing Partners for continued partnership during scheduled Partnership Reviews
    • Sharing information and context at an appropriate moment about partners transitioning out of the organization
    • Assessing partnership grant proposals
  • Partnership Steward


    A healthy tribe and tribe space for HolacracyOne, where partners thrive while contributing their gifts


    • Assessing nominees for the @Partnership Steward role
    • Identifying polarity imbalances at play and relevant in HolacracyOne's culture, and, when one is identified, calling attention to the value of both poles, to the pitfalls of unbalanced overuse of both poles, and to examples within H1 of effective use of the underbalanced pole
    • Negotiating customized Partner Relationships that maximize contribution from partners who HolacracyOne wants substantially more from than is otherwise reasonable