
We work with people, teams, and communities to imagine ways in which everyone can thrive; and equip them with the practical knowledge, tools, and skills to make it happen.

The General Circle provides strategic direction for HSA and creates strategic alignment across all circles.

  • Admin and Operations


    To sustain business operations


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
  • Business Development


    To determine capacity to meet current and future contract obligations.


    • Allocating staff resources to contract assignments (Mapping out calendar)
    • Developing proposals and contracts
    • Negotiating contracts including scope of work
    • Informing project leads of the terms and responsibilities of the associated contract
    • Coordinating with finance and HR roles to evaluate and plan current and future staffing projections
  • Circle Lead


    We work with people, teams, and communities to imagine ways in which everyone can thrive; and equip them with the practical knowledge, tools, and skills to make it happen.

    The General Circle provides strategic direction for HSA and creates strategic alignment across all circles.


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

  • Organizational Development


    To build internal capacity for teamworking and fulfilling HSAs mission


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
Purpose: To develop and deliver innovative programs to develop leadership skills and build trust and autonomy in teams.
  • Circle Lead


    To develop and deliver innovative programs to develop leadership skills and build trust and autonomy in teams.


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

Purpose: To establish and maintain online presence that is consistent with HSA vision, mission, and values.
  • Brand Ambassador


    To ensure HSA programs and offerings are consistent with brand guidelines


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
Purpose: To develop and deliver innovative programs. To secure and implement contracts and their respective scopes of work related to Person-Centered Thinking, Planning, and Practices, Leadership Skills, and Organizational Development.
  • Compassion Programs Facilitator




    • Preparing and updating slides, participant materials, and timed agenda as needed
    • Facilitating the Compassion@Work and other Compassion sessions
    • Coordinating with hospitality/technology lead
    • Approving the final slides, participant materials, and timed agenda
    • Providing program description, testimonials, quotes, invitation blurb, images if applicable as outlined in the marketing guide
  • PCT Mentor


    Provide mentoring to PCT trainer candidates to deliver PCT trainings


    • Coaching trainer candidates
    • Providing feedback to trainer candidates
    • Following TLC processes for trainer candidates
    • Updating curriculum according to TLC
  • Accountabilities:

    • Meeting regularly with Facilitator to figure what is needed for program
    • Being familiar with Progress for Providers and Person Centered Approaches with teams and organizational change
    • Facilitating breakout room discussions related to Progress for Providers
    • Helping to implement a sprint model/approach
    • Checking in on change maker teams and responding to questions and support as needed
    • Helping each organization tell their story including interviews and producing final report
    • Providing logistics support for Zoom sessions
  • Renew Coordinator




    • Coordinating outreach to PCT Trainers and PL Facilitators who have been mentored by HSA and HSA Affiliate Partners
    • Surveying prospective participants to determine content priorities
    • Coordinating with Marketing Role to promote event
    • Coordinating with Eventbrite Lead role to build registration page
    • Engaging guest facilitators
  • Supported Decision Making Lead


    Provide project leadership for Supported Decision-Making programs


    • Coordinating with content developers
    • Coordinating with contracting organizations
    • Coordinating with Marketing Role and Branding Role to design and disseminate program information
  • Teams and Leaders Facilitator


    To develop and deliver teams and leaders programs


    • Developing content for teams and leaders programs
    • Facilitating teams and leaders programs
    • Determining the annual programs to be offered within the Teams and Leaders series
  • Teams and Leaders Programs


    To develop and deliver innovative programs to develop leadership skills and build trust and autonomy in teams.


    • Being aware of funding opportunities by subscribing to alerts and reaching out to personal and organizational networks.
    • Determining the annual calendar of programs and offerings for teams and leaders.
    • Designing, developing, coordinating and delivering programs related to leadership and team development.
    • Writing monthly project summaries to include in progress reports.
    • Coordinating with Marketing role to create content for promotional materials.
    • Staying current on trends in leadership and self-managing teams.
Purpose: To create a positive employee environment and look at policies, processes and benefits for team members
  • Circle Lead


    To create a positive employee environment and look at policies, processes and benefits for team members


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

Purpose: To determine capacity to meet current and future contract obligations.
  • Circle Lead


    To determine capacity to meet current and future contract obligations.


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

  • Customer Care Liaison


    To be the contact person for implementing scope of work with customer


    • Checking terms of contract and track, facilitating and communicating enrollment needs
    • Checking in regularly if all needs are being met
    • Contacting customer to share appreciations
    • Identifying program administrator at contract finalization and notify that person
    • Scheduling kick off call with facilitator(s), program admin, and customer representative for each contract and/or program
Purpose: To build internal capacity for teamworking and fulfilling HSAs mission
  • Circle Lead


    To build internal capacity for teamworking and fulfilling HSAs mission


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

  • Confirmation Practice Coach


    Support the team in learning about and implementing confirmation practices as an alternative to traditional performance management


    • Providing resources to learn about confirmation practices
    • Suggesting an implementation plan
    • Checking on progress with the team at least twice a year
    • Creating an e-guide for "how-to"
    • Capturing learning about the experience of using confirmation practices
  • Human Resources


    To create a positive employee environment and look at policies, processes and benefits for team members


    • Coordinating the annual salary benchmarking process based on roles
    • Drafting and maintaining the employee handbook
    • Proposing and updating policies that relate to team working and benefits
    • Liasing with payroll company (Pacific HR)
  • Team Process Coach


    Ensure the team is focusing on continuous improvement


    • Providing resources for team members to understand and put into practice team cycle processes
    • Supporting team members to feel confident facilitating team cycle processes
    • Capturing the learning and collaborating with team members to develop e-guide resources specific to team cycle processes
    • Drafting agendas for monthly team planning days
    • Coordinating monthly team planning days
Purpose: To sustain business operations
  • Brand Ambassador


    To ensure HSA programs and offerings are consistent with brand guidelines


    • Reviewing materials for brand alignment
  • Circle Lead


    To sustain business operations


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

  • Finance


    To develop finance practices and share financial information


    • Drafting financial projections
    • Generating quarterly profits and loss statements to share with the team
    • Paying bills and taxes
    • Generating invoices and tracking payments
    • Determining pricing of products and offerings
    • Providing consultation for the pay adjustments proposed through the team benchmarking and performance review process
    • Deciding annual pay adjustments based on Benchmarking outcomes and projected organizational income
  • Materials Designer


    To coordinate translation services and graphic design of all public-facing materials


    • Brand approval of public-facing materials and resources


    • Liaising with translation services
    • Coordinating with graphic design services for materials
    • Reviewing and approving design concepts for all public-facing materials
    • Coordinating with printers to produce publications and resources
    • Consulting with Finance role to confirm availability of funds to develop materials
    • Coordinating with Marketing role to promote resources for purchase