
We work with people, teams, and communities to imagine ways in which everyone can thrive; and equip them with the practical knowledge, tools, and skills to make it happen.

The General Circle provides strategic direction for HSA and creates strategic alignment across all circles.

  • Admin and Operations


    To sustain business operations


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
  • Business Development


    To determine capacity to meet current and future contract obligations.


    • Allocating staff resources to contract assignments (Mapping out calendar)
    • Developing proposals and contracts
    • Negotiating contracts including scope of work
    • Informing project leads of the terms and responsibilities of the associated contract
    • Coordinating with finance and HR roles to evaluate and plan current and future staffing projections
  • Circle Lead


    We work with people, teams, and communities to imagine ways in which everyone can thrive; and equip them with the practical knowledge, tools, and skills to make it happen.

    The General Circle provides strategic direction for HSA and creates strategic alignment across all circles.


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

  • Organizational Development


    To build internal capacity for teamworking and fulfilling HSAs mission


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
Purpose: To develop and deliver innovative programs to develop leadership skills and build trust and autonomy in teams.
  • Circle Lead


    To develop and deliver innovative programs to develop leadership skills and build trust and autonomy in teams.


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

Purpose: To establish and maintain online presence that is consistent with HSA vision, mission, and values.
  • Brand Ambassador


    To ensure HSA programs and offerings are consistent with brand guidelines


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
Purpose: To develop and deliver innovative programs. To secure and implement contracts and their respective scopes of work related to Person-Centered Thinking, Planning, and Practices, Leadership Skills, and Organizational Development.
  • Compassion Programs Facilitator




    • Preparing and updating slides, participant materials, and timed agenda as needed
    • Facilitating the Compassion@Work and other Compassion sessions
    • Coordinating with hospitality/technology lead
    • Approving the final slides, participant materials, and timed agenda
    • Providing program description, testimonials, quotes, invitation blurb, images if applicable as outlined in the marketing guide
  • PCT Mentor


    Provide mentoring to PCT trainer candidates to deliver PCT trainings


    • Coaching trainer candidates
    • Providing feedback to trainer candidates
    • Following TLC processes for trainer candidates
    • Updating curriculum according to TLC
  • Accountabilities:

    • Meeting regularly with Facilitator to figure what is needed for program
    • Being familiar with Progress for Providers and Person Centered Approaches with teams and organizational change
    • Facilitating breakout room discussions related to Progress for Providers
    • Helping to implement a sprint model/approach
    • Checking in on change maker teams and responding to questions and support as needed
    • Helping each organization tell their story including interviews and producing final report
    • Providing logistics support for Zoom sessions
  • Renew Coordinator




    • Coordinating outreach to PCT Trainers and PL Facilitators who have been mentored by HSA and HSA Affiliate Partners
    • Surveying prospective participants to determine content priorities
    • Coordinating with Marketing Role to promote event
    • Coordinating with Eventbrite Lead role to build registration page
    • Engaging guest facilitators
  • Supported Decision Making Lead


    Provide project leadership for Supported Decision-Making programs


    • Coordinating with content developers
    • Coordinating with contracting organizations
    • Coordinating with Marketing Role and Branding Role to design and disseminate program information
  • Teams and Leaders Facilitator


    To develop and deliver teams and leaders programs


    • Developing content for teams and leaders programs
    • Facilitating teams and leaders programs
    • Determining the annual programs to be offered within the Teams and Leaders series
  • Teams and Leaders Programs


    To develop and deliver innovative programs to develop leadership skills and build trust and autonomy in teams.


    • Being aware of funding opportunities by subscribing to alerts and reaching out to personal and organizational networks.
    • Determining the annual calendar of programs and offerings for teams and leaders.
    • Designing, developing, coordinating and delivering programs related to leadership and team development.
    • Writing monthly project summaries to include in progress reports.
    • Coordinating with Marketing role to create content for promotional materials.
    • Staying current on trends in leadership and self-managing teams.
Purpose: To create a positive employee environment and look at policies, processes and benefits for team members
  • Buddy

    for Finance, Admin roles


    To be and identified ‘go to” person during a new employees introductory period (3-Months), being available and accessible to support new employees to explore their new roles and feel safe and supported to ask questions and ask for guidance while becoming familiar with the HSA processes and culture.


    • Scheduling regular check-in meetings with new employees
    • Providing coaching and feedback as needed
    • Sharing of information and resources that can inform and strengthen the employee’s roles
    • Listening and guiding with compassion
  • Circle Lead


    To create a positive employee environment and look at policies, processes and benefits for team members


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

Purpose: To determine capacity to meet current and future contract obligations.
  • Circle Lead


    To determine capacity to meet current and future contract obligations.


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

  • Customer Care Liaison


    To be the contact person for implementing scope of work with customer


    • Checking terms of contract and track, facilitating and communicating enrollment needs
    • Checking in regularly if all needs are being met
    • Contacting customer to share appreciations
    • Identifying program administrator at contract finalization and notify that person
    • Scheduling kick off call with facilitator(s), program admin, and customer representative for each contract and/or program
Purpose: To build internal capacity for teamworking and fulfilling HSAs mission
  • Circle Lead


    To build internal capacity for teamworking and fulfilling HSAs mission


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

  • Confirmation Practice Coach


    Support the team in learning about and implementing confirmation practices as an alternative to traditional performance management


    • Providing resources to learn about confirmation practices
    • Suggesting an implementation plan
    • Checking on progress with the team at least twice a year
    • Creating an e-guide for "how-to"
    • Capturing learning about the experience of using confirmation practices
  • Human Resources


    To create a positive employee environment and look at policies, processes and benefits for team members


    • Coordinating the annual salary benchmarking process based on roles
    • Drafting and maintaining the employee handbook
    • Proposing and updating policies that relate to team working and benefits
    • Liasing with payroll company (Pacific HR)
  • Internal Holacracy Coach


    To help the team make the shift to Holacracy


    • What, when, and how to support team members and circles to understand and embrace Holacracy.


    • Sharing a Holacracy Habit at General Company Circle meetings
  • Team Process Coach


    Ensure the team is focusing on continuous improvement


    • Providing resources for team members to understand and put into practice team cycle processes
    • Supporting team members to feel confident facilitating team cycle processes
    • Capturing the learning and collaborating with team members to develop e-guide resources specific to team cycle processes
    • Drafting agendas for monthly team planning days
    • Coordinating monthly team planning days
Purpose: To sustain business operations
  • Brand Ambassador


    To ensure HSA programs and offerings are consistent with brand guidelines


    • Reviewing materials for brand alignment
  • Circle Lead


    To sustain business operations


    • Assigning people to roles that have been created through Governance Meetings

      Allocating resources within the Circle

      Defining Priorities, Strategies, and Metrics within the Circle

  • Finance


    To develop finance practices and share financial information


    • Drafting financial projections
    • Generating quarterly profits and loss statements to share with the team
    • Paying bills and taxes
    • Generating invoices and tracking payments
    • Determining pricing of products and offerings
    • Providing consultation for the pay adjustments proposed through the team benchmarking and performance review process
    • Deciding annual pay adjustments based on Benchmarking outcomes and projected organizational income
  • Materials Designer


    To coordinate translation services and graphic design of all public-facing materials


    • Brand approval of public-facing materials and resources


    • Liaising with translation services
    • Coordinating with graphic design services for materials
    • Reviewing and approving design concepts for all public-facing materials
    • Coordinating with printers to produce publications and resources
    • Consulting with Finance role to confirm availability of funds to develop materials
    • Coordinating with Marketing role to promote resources for purchase