Purpose: Build the software the world needs to unleash evolution and empower purpose in organizations
  • Desktop Integrations


    Desktop integrations that ease and accelerate good self-management practices


    • Desktop integrations backlog
    • Glassfrog-osx codebase & repository


    • Designing, prioritizing, implementing, and delivering thoughtfully chosen integrations
    • Gathering, processing, and distilling input from other roles into feature choice, design, and prioritizations that balance strategic and tactical product needs.
    • Soliciting feedback on features, design concepts, epic story breakdowns, and release targets from @Product Vision, and weighing that feedback heavily in design and prioritization
    • Documenting feature sets, features, designs, prioritization and implementation progress in a prioritized backlog of user stories, and providing visibility into that backlog to other roles in the circle.
    • Supporting key customers directly for worthwhile cases not covered by other customer facing roles.
    • Maintaining a groomed and prioritized backlog of user stories
    • Updating roadmap information per the process defined by @Product Vision
  • Developer

    for Zapier Integrations


    Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of truly valuable software


    • Monitoring and triaging issues reported in #bugs-og that are urgent or likely resulted from work you as an individual developer introduced
    • Reviewing open pull requests at the request of other @Developer role-fillers
    • Advising @L2 Support on technical fixes for customer issues
    • Notifying @Ribbiting Communications when functionality has been deployed
    • Testing new functionality before deploying it to production
    • Prioritizing critical bugs above other new stories, then fast-tracking fixes and shepherding them to resolution once pulled
    • Participating in team processes defined by @Agilator
    • Following architectural guidelines published by @Architect
    • Deploying functionality that they have merged into master to production, or coordinating the deployment and the running of necessary scripts for said functionality within 2 business days of merging it in
    • Attempting to reproduce bugs at the request of @QA
    • Implementing GlassFrog user stories, bug fixes, and chores to improve the product and GlassFrog operations
    • Adding infra stories to get rid of dead code as observed
    • Sharing development challenges with other @Developer role fillers as challenges arise in their development work
    • Delivering bugs and stories in a testable state before triggering @QA to test them
    • Providing projections on availability to pull critical bugs on request
    • Coordinating with @Beta Feature Owner when working on bugs or features that are currently in beta
  • Eye of the Frog

    for looker studio reports


    Internal stakeholders have visibility into GlassFrog usage and subscription data


    • Cataloguing and publishing all existing sources of GlassFrog usage analytics data with links to the raw data
    • Processing relevant raw analytics data into an easy to consume and useful format
    • Publishing easy-to-consume and useful usage data internally
    • Analyzing data to inform product design
    • Collaborating with Marketing to create better usage insights