
Our Essence is: GlassFrog is the morning sun, breaking dawn with radiant clarity.

Our Blessing is to provide the spark of insight that ignites the fire of evolution.

Our Mission is to transform every organization into a sanctuary of clarity, passion, and purpose.

Our Message is: Organizational life can be so much better. Lack of clarity is the root of organizational pain, and you can’t optimize what isn’t clear to start with. Creating organizational clarity enables change, and change enables evolution; and once you’ve unleashed evolution in your company, progress isn't just possible, it's unstoppable.

Note: GlassFrog uses the purpose discovery framework and four aspects of purpose from Tim Kelley's book "True Purpose".

  • Circle Rep


    Tensions relevant to process in a broader Circle channeled out and resolved.


    • Seeking to understand Tensions conveyed by Role Leads within the Circle
    • Discerning Tensions appropriate to process within a broader Circle that holds the Circle
    • Processing Tensions within a broader Circle to remove constraints on the Circle
Purpose: Build the software the world needs to unleash evolution and empower purpose in organizations
  • Circle Lead


    Build the software the world needs to unleash evolution and empower purpose in organizations


    • There are no accountabilities defined for this role.
  • Coaching Content Engineer


    GlassFrog provides users with quality coaching and advice


    • Reviewing and improving the sources of information delivered in the application
  • Facilitator


    Circle governance and operational practices aligned with the Constitution.


    • Facilitating the Circle’s Governance Process
    • Triggering new elections for the Circle’s elected Roles after each election term expires
    • Auditing a Sub-Circle’s meetings and records on request and declaring a Process Breakdown if one is discovered
  • Pitch Owner

    for Walkthrough, Paid feature polish, Settings customizations, Imports


    Customer-valuable features added to GlassFrog


    • Developing ShapeUp pitch documents and presenting them during the betting process
    • Tracking pitch progress during the build cycle and scoping feature to match the commit
    • Accepting pitch user stories in Pivotal Tracker
  • Product Vision


    To pursue a product design and delivery strategy that integrates user and stakeholder needs


    • Soliciting feedback on GlassFrog needs from @Business Manager and @Customer Support
    • Providing feedback on features, design concepts, epic story breakdowns, and release targets
    • Defining target platforms intended to be supported by GlassFrog
    • Defining high-level value propositions for GlassFrog
    • Providing visibility into a roadmap of upcoming epics or initiatives to GlassFrog roles
    • Reviewing ShapeUp pitches and deciding which bets move to the build phase

Our Essence is: GlassFrog is the morning sun, breaking dawn with radiant clarity.

Our Blessing is to provide the spark of insight that ignites the fire of evolution.

Our Mission is to transform every organization into a sanctuary of clarity, passion, and purpose.

Our Message is: Organizational life can be so much better. Lack of clarity is the root of organizational pain, and you can’t optimize what isn’t clear to start with. Creating organizational clarity enables change, and change enables evolution; and once you’ve unleashed evolution in your company, progress isn't just possible, it's unstoppable.

Note: GlassFrog uses the purpose discovery framework and four aspects of purpose from Tim Kelley's book "True Purpose".

  • Circle Rep

    to Board


    Tensions relevant to process in a broader Circle channeled out and resolved.


    • Seeking to understand Tensions conveyed by Role Leads within the Circle
    • Discerning Tensions appropriate to process within a broader Circle that holds the Circle
    • Processing Tensions within a broader Circle to remove constraints on the Circle
  • Compensation Guardian


    Fair relative compensation levels, aligned with @Compensation_Architect's guidance


    • Sharing perspectives on request about criteria that would be meaningful to them in considering compensation comparisons (e.g. comparable archetypes, location, company size, include benefits?, etc.)
    • Assessing proposals for compensation placements against other existing placements, and against the general guidance published by @Compensation Architect
    • Providing feedback to partners upon request after their compensation proposals have received a vote
  • Design and Engineering


    Build the software the world needs to unleash evolution and empower purpose in organizations


    • All GlassFrog-related code & technical infrastructure
    • GlassFrog's feature & bug tracking systems & data


    • Defining high-level value propositions for GlassFrog, and developing, maintaining, and hosting GlassFrog to deliver on them
    • Triaging usage-limiting issues in GlassFrog and fielding tactical database updates as-needed
    • Conducting in-depth fit-for-role interviews with well-qualified technical candidates
    • Communicating new products and features with @Ribbiting Communications
    • Maintaining product security and privacy in accordance with best practices, and responding to privacy/security requests from @Product Support
    • Granting @L2 Support super admin access in GF
    • Publishing and maintaining a high-level, customer-visible product roadmap
    • Measuring and publishing data on GlassFrog usage and subscription, including metrics on feature adoption
  • Facilitator


    Circle governance and operational practices aligned with the Constitution.


    • Facilitating the Circle’s Governance Process
    • Triggering new elections for the Circle’s elected Roles after each election term expires
    • Auditing a Sub-Circle’s meetings and records on request and declaring a Process Breakdown if one is discovered
  • Partner Prospector


    The right partners joining us, at the right time, in the right relationship, setup to succeed


    • Screening inbound partner applications and candidate referrals, and proactively sourcing additional candidates as-needed
    • Planning and structuring in-person visits for appropriate partner candidates; publishing intended activities prior to such visits; and booking time with relevant partners, including at least one @Partnership Steward to further discuss the organization's purpose and partnership structure
    • Shepherding candidates through the courtship process, and orienting them to the organization's key agreements, processes, and systems
    • Assessing and proposing a compensation level and other key terms for a partnership grant offer when appropriate, and extending approved offers to candidates
  • Partnership Assessor


    Requisite partner/org relationships consummated, and requisite transitions enacted


    • Interviewing new Partner candidates and assessing whether to invite them into the partnership, upon request of any relevant Role
    • Assessing Partners for continued partnership during scheduled Partnership Reviews
    • Sharing information and context at an appropriate moment about partners transitioning out of the organization
    • Assessing partnership grant proposals
  • Partnership Steward


    A healthy tribe and tribe space for GlassFrog, where partners thrive while contributing their gifts


Purpose: Easy onboarding, smooth operations, delighted customers
  • Client Coach


    GlassFrog onboarding delivered by Holacracy coaches


    • Delivering practice-focused GlassFrog onboarding webinars at the request of @Business Manager
  • Coach Q&A Coach


    To provide expert Holacracy coaching to Premium GlassFrog customers during the Coach Q&A sessions


  • Facilitator


    Circle governance and operational practices aligned with the Constitution.


    • Facilitating the Circle’s Governance Process
    • Triggering new elections for the Circle’s elected Roles after each election term expires
    • Auditing a Sub-Circle’s meetings and records on request and declaring a Process Breakdown if one is discovered