Purpose: A capable team for every meaningful mission
  • Director

    for Rep


    A capable August


    • Proposals to Stockholders on edits to:
    • Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Constitution
    • August’s Purpose
    • Equity Policy, including any/all shareholder agreements


    • Counseling our business on the “nuts and bolts”
    • Steering toward purpose and values
    • Proposing to Shareholders financial decisions above $150,000USD, excluding compensation
    • Representing August in public
    • Expanding our business/client network
    • Expanding our talent network
  • Rep Link


    Within the Super-Circle, the Rep Link holds the Purpose of the Sub-Circle; within the Sub-Circle, the Rep Link’s Purpose is: Tensions relevant to process in the Super-Circle channeled out and resolved.


    • Providing visibility to the Super-Circle into the health of the Sub-Circle, including reporting on any metrics or checklist items assigned to the whole Sub-Circle
    • Removing constraints within the broader Organization that limit the Sub-Circle
    • Seeking to understand Tensions conveyed by Sub-Circle Circle Members, and discerning those appropriate to process in the Super-Circle
    • Collecting questions, comments, and issues from all August Team Members for Board Meetings
    • Working to deeply understand issues shared by all August Team Members for Board Meetings
    • Demonstrating the best of August's values
    • Representing the interests of August Team Members at the Board level
  • Representative of the General Team

    for until Jan 2025


    Representing API’s internal Network


    • Maintaining transparency of the activities and decisions of the Board Team for all API members
    • Soliciting perspectives from and advocating on the behalf of all API members including non-stockholders
    • Completing all general accountabilities of the Representative role
Purpose: A capable team for every meaningful mission
  • Accounts


    A profitable business offering that delivers transformative change to leading organizations.


    • Client contracts (MSAs & SOWs)
    • Pricing
    • Resourcing


    • Prioritizing the development of systems and practices that advance the work of equity, diversity, and inclusion in our sales and delivery
    • Designing a set of services that furthers our offering and demonstrates our mature POV on critical client pain points
    • Maintaining a minimum of 8 deals in the Framing the Deal stage and beyond
    • Maintaining an average 8 weeks to closed or lost
    • Maintaining an average deal size of more than $100,000 per trimester
    • Hiring contractors or freelancers to deliver against client work if/when we don't have the throughput to deliver or the unique expertise required
    • Recognizing at least $5,920,000 in annual gross revenue from January - December 2024
    • Maintaining 20-35% profitability across all projects
    • Creating and energizing an Accounts Strategy each trimester
  • Ownership


    An ownership system that is open and aligned with both our market(s) and values


    • Selection of ownership SMEs


    • Modeling and proposing refinements to our Ownership System
    • Maintaining an understanding of any relevant needs, data or context
    • Selecting and maintaining a relationship with SMEs who can help us explore our options
    • Collaborating with lawyer/SME who can implement ownership changes
    • Proposing edits to founder shareholder agreements
    • Revise business structure and practice to integrate Partner role
  • Partner


    The long-term health and success of our purpose


    • Partner selection process and Partner Panel
    • Bonus Policy


    • Forging long-lasting client and network relationships that help August create sales and partnership opportunities.
    • Keeping each other accountable for being good owners; nobody is in charge here; this is your business
    • Developing August’s long term vision to clarify our growth plan and other emerging parts of the business.
    • Stewarding new/big investments by taking on ambiguous new roles and bets.
    • Keeping the business profitable by understanding our financial health and making proposals related to our capital expenses (reinvestment, taxes, bonus distribution, payments, etc).
    • Connecting the dots by looking across P&L, growth, culture, and people strategy.
    • Driving our growth by contributing to at least 50% of our annual sales.
    • Making major decisions related to our people strategy that might include changes to August’s compensation system, hiring strategy, and membership (e.g. potential layoffs).
    • Deciding on bonus distribution guided by our bonus policy.
    • Designing and leading a partner selection process that aligns with August’s values, and team and business needs.
    • Maintaining a regular cadence of communication with non-partner pals.
  • Rep Link

    to Board


    Within the Super-Circle, the Rep Link holds the Purpose of the Sub-Circle; within the Sub-Circle, the Rep Link’s Purpose is: Tensions relevant to process in the Super-Circle channeled out and resolved.


    • Providing visibility to the Super-Circle into the health of the Sub-Circle, including reporting on any metrics or checklist items assigned to the whole Sub-Circle
    • Removing constraints within the broader Organization that limit the Sub-Circle
    • Seeking to understand Tensions conveyed by Sub-Circle Circle Members, and discerning those appropriate to process in the Super-Circle
    • Collecting questions, comments, and issues from all August Team Members for Board Meetings
    • Working to deeply understand issues shared by all August Team Members for Board Meetings
    • Demonstrating the best of August's values
    • Representing the interests of August Team Members at the Board level
Purpose: Ensuring a healthy culture that is true to August’s values
  • Development Advocate (multi-filled)

    for Keara


    Support gustos to intentionally developing their capacity at August


    • Helping gusto identify resources to develop their capacities
    • Helping gusto identify stakeholders from whom feedback needs to be gathered
    • Supporting gusto in scheduling feedback moments including GBOP, Capacity Check, Leveling Up Decision Making, and Delivery Feedback
    • Advocating for the gusto to gain opportunities that support the development of their capacity
    • Gathering feedback about the gusto and sharing it in an appropriate way
    • Supporting the gusto in contributing to August at their highest possible capacity
    • Tracking and reporting attendance at GBOP, Capacity Development, and Leveling Up sessions
    • Reading all Development policies closely, and reviewing GBOP, Capacity Development, and Leveling Up session agendas prior to calling the session
    • Monitoring engagement and identifying ways to help when needed
    • Communicating with @membership_committee when a member's performance raises questions about viability of long-term Membership at August
    • Initiating a conversation with Gusto at least annually about whether you are the best Development Advocate for them based on their development needs and support them in identifying a new DA if a change makes the most sense
  • Member (all members at August)


    To advance the August Mission of "A capable team for every meaningful mission"


    • Fulfilling duties as contained in Article 1, Section 4.1 of the August Constitution
    • Deciding with purpose: Using our Purpose as the primary decision making filter for all of your decisions, bring an ever questioning eye to whether or not our work, clients, and focus really fulfills our larger purpose, continually both support and push the status quo to help us evolve forward as a purpose driven business
    • Wellbeing: Promoting each other’s well-being and recognizing the importance of a healthy balance between the needs of the business and the personal life of its members
    • Organizing: Participating in, contributing to, and defining the way we organize and work; Identifying ways to address existing structural flaws and to the development of the larger cultural system via proposing new ideas, and working to improve existing systems; Representing the needs of the business through governance, elections, voting, summit etc
    • Driving: for awareness around power dynamics and biases that get in our way of functioning as a healthy system, hold team members accountable for the role they play within the system (including yourself), particularly those who hold “power” due to experience, tenure, gender or race, continually keep a pulse check on where members are and how their personal status syncs up/impacts the larger work environment for others
    • Developing: Contributing to the development of fellow individual team members via thoughtful, constructive feedback and continually improving yourself
Purpose: A profitable business offering that delivers transformative change to leading organizations.
  • Accounts Team Member




    • Delivering assigned client and internal work – see the Actively Delivering column on August's Trello https://trello.com/b/Pr2nm9Ow
    • Pursuing new and re-up work using the Sales Habits defined here: https://app.glassfrog.com/policies/11272238
    • Representing human/money resource needs to prioritization pals
  • Client Engagement Lead

    for ACLU


    Well-delivered work and lasting and positive client relationships that lead to more work


    • Hosting an internal team project kickoff and regular internal team meeting cadence
    • Leading the Active Allyship Procedure if the code of conduct is not being met by the client
    • Having a pulse on client satisfaction at all times and addressing gaps in client satisfaction
    • Having a pulse on delivery team member satisfaction and addressing any gaps in satisfaction or role fit
    • Contextualizing and communicating relevant client intel and feedback to the team in a timely manner
    • Securing the next biggest extension and/or expansion with the client
    • Identifying appropriate development opportunities on projects for other pals (esp. Newer or cap level 1-3 level pals) to be able to take the lead on parts of a project that showcase their talents and/or are a growth opportunity
    • Communicating the resourcing needs of the work to the prioritization pals
    • Revisiting the goals and deliverables from the signed SOW and resetting/communicating shifts in goals and deliverables as needed to the client
  • Deal Owner


    Move deals effectively through our sales pipeline


    • Selling deals that align with our current accounts strategy (https://app.glassfrog.com/organizations/5170/orgnav/roles/10929034/overview)
    • Setting realistic expectations with clients regarding WHEN and WHO (e.g. a scope starts ideally no sooner than 4 weeks after signing; and getting a client comfortable with flexible resource outcomes - it's not always you, the deal owner, who delivers)
    • Keeping your deals up to date in Hubspot in line with our Hubspot Stage Definitions & Revenue Projections Policy
    • Tagging @prioritizationpals in Slack with updates related to sales and resourcing
    • Creating a resourcing card (https://trello.com/c/1D7ZQOnR) as early as ready or need help, but no later than Scoping
    • Scoping in a way that supports spotlight opportunities for pals, whenever possible
    • Aiming, as much as possible, for a minimum deal size of $75K (3 cycles, 1 person @ 50%)
    • Ensuring the prospective deal meets our Lead Acceptance & Qualification policy criteria and starting a conversation when the prospective deal looks it might not meet the policy criteria.
    • Pairing with a sales team member for all deal pitching and closing
    • Scheduling and hosting an internal team kickoff
  • Lead Link


    A profitable business offering that delivers transformative change to leading organizations.


    • Role assignments within the Circle


    • Assigning Partners to the Circle’s Roles; monitoring the fit; offering feedback to enhance fit; and re-assigning Roles to other Partners when useful for enhancing fit
    • Allocating the Circle’s resources across its various Projects and/or Roles
    • Establishing priorities and Strategies for the Circle
    • Defining metrics for the circle
    • Structuring the Governance of the Circle to enact its Purpose and Accountabilities
    • Removing constraints within the Circle to the Super-Circle enacting its Purpose and Accountabilities
  • Resourcing Pals

    for As Accounts Lead


    Client delivery and internal "bets" projects are resourced to optimize and focus our resources


    • Team members' availability for client and internal "bets" projects
    • Resourcing (including freelancers)


    • Completing the day-by-day resourcing sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BLZzbmp9VlGxJM_4S2qGLZ3_G69q58vACe2LywcDoto/edit#gid=1781974505
    • Resourcing delivery projects using the protocol outlined in the resourcing policy (https://app.glassfrog.com/organizations/5170/orgnav/policies/9284720)
    • Meeting on a weekly basis
    • Resourcing deals in Scoping or later using the template resourcing card (https://trello.com/c/1D7ZQOnR) and the day by day resourcing sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XfiJzt9bVS24CBoW-af01LW7VZMjrfeEmMTwbYpKv_c/edit#gid=1893977949)
    • Updating the Weighted Pipeline using data in Hubspot and Slack updates from deal owners to ensure it accurately reflects the deals in our pipeline and when we believe revenue will be recognized
    • Defaulting to resourcing pals aligned to sales lead’s preferences and their insights about the client, unless this creates a tension in the business
    • Offering suggestions when the sales lead is unclear on who should be resourced, balancing development goals, capacity, spotlight opportunities, expertise, client needs, pal engagement, and what’s good for the overall business.
    • Disagreeing and committing to a proposal in the prio pals meeting, that is shared out with the team
    • Naming if a deal is too early to resource or the resourcing is murky, by pulling into the Accounts Inbox and/or sharing this explicitly as part of the Slack summary note
    • Responding to pal’s tensions around proposed resourcing
    • Aiming to resource pals to no more than 2 clients at a time, as a default
    • Sharing a summary note in Accounts slack channel, tagging @prioritizationpals, with updates, decisions, context, engagement lead rec, and any questions re: weighted pipeline, resourcing, and vacation
    • Collaborating with Deal Owners
    • When possible, protecting 50% of @Reputation & Marketing role-fillers’ time for work on marketing goals
    • When possible, protecting 50% of @Net New Sales Lead role-fillers’ time for work sales work including netnew deal closing, hosting invites, client advisory roles, etc
  • Service Offering Lead


    Developing, refining, and promoting one existing August service offering


    • Service Offering external webpage on aug.co and Tour Deck Template


    • Launching the new service offering with a webpage, tour deck, and internal sales page by the end of the first trimester of the offering
    • Designing one way for pals to promote this service offering
    • Refining service offering based on August learnings, client experiences, and market intel
    • Updating service offering aug.co webpage, tour deck, and internal sales page
    • Creating and sharing at least 1 new August resource (blog post, assessment tool, webinar, playbook, etc.) for the service offering per trimester
    • Supporting pals to be equipped to sell and deliver offering
Purpose: August consistently adds net new organizations to our pipeline and converts those that are aware or interested into to enthusiastic clients and confirmed revenue.
  • Net New Sales Lead


    Net New Client Acquisition


    • Maintaining a list of 20 names for each for direct outreach, networking, borrowing audiences, or cultivating strategic partnerships.
    • Testing setting and tracking against an individual annual sales target
    • Leveraging the August Sales System to pitch, frame, and scope net new deals
    • Inviting targets to the recurring August Invite
    • Working with @Reputation & Marketing to create content to help move sales conversations forward
    • Determining if emerging needs and asks from leads might make sense to pitch as new potential offerings
    • Serving as the go to person to respond to inbound requests to team@aug.co and chatlio